Omar Shaikh

Hey there! I'm a third (!) year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Stanford, co-advised by Michael Bernstein and Diyi Yang. Previously, I was an undergrad in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech (go Jackets!), advised by Diyi Yang and Polo Chau.
I'm interested in human-AI grounding—namely, how should we define, measure, and build computational representations of shared context between humans and artificial intelligence. I work on NLP methods to measure and model the construction of common ground between humans and computers. I also build HCI systems that help people build common ground with eachother.
Also: if you're an undergrad at Stanford interested in research (especially if you identify with a historically marginalized group), please reach out! I'm more than happy to chat about opportunities here!

Featured Research Publications

in Language Model Generations
NAACL 2024
Simulating Conflict to Teach Conflict Resolution
CHI 2024